Taxonomy Support

Structure the content using taxonomies like tags, categories, labels.

Docsy supports Hugo’s Taxonomies (see: in its docs and blog section. You can see the default layout and can test the behavior of the generated links on this page.


To understand the usage of taxonomies you should understand the following terminology:

a categorization that can be used to classify content - e.g.: Tags, Categories, Projects, People
a key within the taxonomy - e.g. within projects: Project A, Project B
a piece of content assigned to a term - e.g. a page of your site, that belongs to a specific project

A example taxonomy for a movie website you can find in the official Hugo docs:


There are various parameter to control the functionality of taxonomies in the config.toml.

By default taxonomies for tags and categories are enabled in Hugo (see: In Docsy taxonomies are disabled by default in the config.toml/config.yaml/config.json:

disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm"]
  - taxonomy
  - taxonomyTerm
  "disableKinds": [

If you want to enable taxonomies in Docsy you have to delete (or comment out) this line in your projects config.toml/config.yaml/config.json. Then the taxonomy pages for tags and categories will be generated by Hugo. If you want to use other taxonomies you have to define them in your config.toml. If you want to use beside your own taxonomies also the default taxonomies tags and categories, you also have to define them beside your own taxonomies. You need to provide both the plural and singular labels for each taxonomy.

With the following example you define a additional taxonomy projects beside the default taxonomies tags and categories:

tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
project = "projects"
  tag: tags
  category: categories
  project: projects
  "taxonomies": {
    "tag": "tags",
    "category": "categories",
    "project": "projects"

You can use the following parameters in your projects config.toml/config.yaml/config.json to control the output of the assigned taxonomy terms for each article resp. page of your docs and/or blog section in Docsy or a “tag cloud” in Docsy’s right sidebar:

taxonomyCloud = ["projects", "tags"] # set taxonomyCloud = [] to hide taxonomy clouds
taxonomyCloudTitle = ["Our Projects", "Tag Cloud"] # if used, must have same length as taxonomyCloud
taxonomyPageHeader = ["tags", "categories"] # set taxonomyPageHeader = [] to hide taxonomies on the page headers
      - projects    # remove all entries
      - tags        # to hide taxonomy clouds
    taxonomyCloudTitle:   # if used, must have the same
      - Our Projects      # number of entries as taxonomyCloud
      - Tag Cloud
      - tags        # remove all entries
      - categories  # to hide taxonomy clouds
  "params": {
    "taxonomy": {
      "taxonomyCloud": [
      "taxonomyCloudTitle": [
        "Our Projects",
        "Tag Cloud"
      "taxonomyPageHeader": [

The settings above would only show a taxonomy cloud for projects and tags (with the headlines “Our Projects” and “Tag Cloud”) in Docsy’s right sidebar and the assigned terms for the taxonomies tags and categories for each page.

To disable any taxonomy cloud you have to set the Parameter taxonomyCloud = [] resp. if you don’t want to show the assigned terms you have to set taxonomyPageHeader = [].

As default the plural label of a taxonomy is used as it cloud title. You can overwrite the default cloud title with taxonomyCloudTitle. But if you do so, you have to define a manual title for each enabled taxonomy cloud (taxonomyCloud and taxonomyCloudTitle must have the same length!).

If you don’t set the parameters taxonomyCloud resp. taxonomyPageHeader the taxonomy clouds resp. assigned terms for all defined taxonomies will be generated.


The by default used partials for displaying taxonomies are so defined, that you should be able to use them also easily in your own layouts.


The partial taxonomy_terms_article shows all assigned terms of an given taxonomy (partial parameter taxo) of an article respectively page (partial parameter context, most of the time the current page or context .).

Example usage in layouts/docs/list.html for the header of each page in the docs section:

{{ $context := . }}
{{ range $taxo, $taxo_map := .Site.Taxonomies }}
  {{ partial "taxonomy_terms_article.html" (dict "context" $context "taxo" $taxo ) }}
{{ end }}

This will gave you for each in the current page (resp. context) defined taxonomy a list with all assigned terms:

<div class="taxonomy taxonomy-terms-article taxo-categories">
  <h5 class="taxonomy-title">Categories:</h5>
  <ul class="taxonomy-terms">
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/categories/taxonomies/" data-taxonomy-term="taxonomies"><span class="taxonomy-label">Taxonomies</span></a></li>
<div class="taxonomy taxonomy-terms-article taxo-tags">
  <h5 class="taxonomy-title">Tags:</h5>
  <ul class="taxonomy-terms">
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/tags/tagging/" data-taxonomy-term="tagging"><span class="taxonomy-label">Tagging</span></a></li>
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/tags/structuring-content/" data-taxonomy-term="structuring-content"><span class="taxonomy-label">Structuring Content</span></a></li>
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/tags/labelling/" data-taxonomy-term="labelling"><span class="taxonomy-label">Labelling</span></a></li>


The partial taxonomy_terms_article_wrapper is a wrapper for the partial taxonomy_terms_article with the only parameter context (most of the time the current page or context .) and checks the taxonomy parameters of your project’s config.toml/config.yaml/config.json to loop threw all listed taxonomies in the parameter taxonomyPageHeader resp. all defined taxonomies of your page, if taxonomyPageHeader isn’t set.


The partial taxonomy_terms_cloud shows all used terms of an given taxonomy (partial parameter taxo) for your site (partial parameter context, most of the time the current page or context .) and with the parameter title as headline.

Example usage in partial taxonomy_terms_clouds for showing all defined taxonomies and its terms:

{{ $context := . }}
{{ range $taxo, $taxo_map := .Site.Taxonomies }}
  {{ partial "taxonomy_terms_cloud.html" (dict "context" $context "taxo" $taxo "title" ( humanize $taxo ) ) }}
{{ end }}

As an example this will gave you for following HTML markup for the taxonomy categories:

<div class="taxonomy taxonomy-terms-cloud taxo-categories">
  <h5 class="taxonomy-title">Cloud of Categories</h5>
  <ul class="taxonomy-terms">
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/categories/category-1/" data-taxonomy-term="category-1"><span class="taxonomy-label">category 1</span><span class="taxonomy-count">3</span></a></li>
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/categories/category-2/" data-taxonomy-term="category-2"><span class="taxonomy-label">category 2</span><span class="taxonomy-count">1</span></a></li>
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/categories/category-3/" data-taxonomy-term="category-3"><span class="taxonomy-label">category 3</span><span class="taxonomy-count">2</span></a></li>
    <li><a class="taxonomy-term" href="//localhost:1313/categories/category-4/" data-taxonomy-term="category-4"><span class="taxonomy-label">category 4</span><span class="taxonomy-count">6</span></a></li>


The partial taxonomy_terms_clouds is a wrapper for the partial taxonomy_terms_cloud with the only parameter context (most of the time the current page or context .) and checks the taxonomy parameters of your project’s config.toml/config.yaml/config.json to loop threw all listed taxonomies in the parameter taxonomyCloud resp. all defined taxonomies of your page, if taxonomyCloud isn’t set.

Multi language support for taxonomies

The taxonomy terms associated content gets only counted and linked WITHIN the language! The control parameters for the taxonomy support can also get assigned language specific.

Last modified January 10, 2023: add content from docsy userguide (6b676a8)