Docsy Shortcodes

Use Docsy’s Hugo shortcodes to quickly build site pages.

Rather than writing all your site pages from scratch, Hugo lets you define and use shortcodes. These are reusable snippets of content that you can include in your pages, often using HTML to create effects that are difficult or impossible to do in simple Markdown. Shortcodes can also have parameters that let you, for example, add your own text to a fancy shortcode text box. As well as Hugo’s built-in shortcodes, Docsy provides some shortcodes of its own to help you build your pages.

Shortcode blocks

The theme comes with a set of custom Page Block shortcodes that can be used to compose landing pages, about pages, and similar.

These blocks share some common parameters:

A pre-defined height of the block container. One of min, med, max, full, or auto. Setting it to full will fill the Viewport Height, which can be useful for landing pages.
The block will be assigned a color from the theme palette if not provided, but you can set your own if needed. You can use all of Bootstrap’s color names, theme color names or a grayscale shade. Some examples would be primary, white, dark, warning, light, success, 300, blue, orange. This will become the background color of the block, but text colors will adapt to get proper contrast.


The blocks/cover shortcode creates a landing page type of block that fills the top of the page.

{{< blocks/cover title="Welcome!" image_anchor="center" height="full" color="primary" >}}
<div class="mx-auto">
	<a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary mr-3 mb-4" href="{{< relref "/docs" >}}">
		Learn More <i class="fa-solid fa-circle-right ml-2"></i>
	<a class="btn btn-lg btn-secondary mr-3 mb-4" href="">
		Download <i class="fa-brands fa-github ml-2 "></i>
	<p class="lead mt-5">This program is now available in <a href="#">AppStore!</a></p>
	<div class="mx-auto mt-5">
		{{< blocks/link-down color="info" >}}
{{< /blocks/cover >}}

Note that the relevant shortcode parameters above will have sensible defaults, but is included here for completeness.

titleThe main display title for the block.
heightSee above.
colorSee above.
bylineByline text on featured image.

To set the background image, place an image with the word “background” in the name in the page’s Page Bundle. For example, in our the example site the background image in the home page’s cover block is featured-background.jpg, in the same directory.

For available icons, see Font Awesome.


The blocks/lead block shortcode is a simple lead/title block with centred text and an arrow down pointing to the next section.

{{% blocks/lead color="dark" %}}
TechOS is the OS of the future.

Runs on **bare metal** in the **cloud**!
{{% /blocks/lead %}}
heightSee above.
colorSee above.


The blocks/section shortcode is meant as a general-purpose content container. It comes in two “flavors”, one for general content and one with styling more suitable for wrapping a horizontal row of feature sections.

The example below shows a section wrapping 3 feature sections.

{{< blocks/section color="dark" >}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-lightbulb" title="Fastest OS **on the planet**!" %}}
The new **TechOS** operating system is an open source project. It is a new project, but with grand ambitions.
Please follow this space for updates!
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-brands fa-github" title="Contributions welcome!" url="" %}}
We do a [Pull Request]( contributions workflow on **GitHub**. New users are always welcome!
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-brands fa-twitter" title="Follow us on Twitter!" url="" %}}
For announcement of latest features etc.
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
{{< /blocks/section >}}
heightSee above.
colorSee above.
typeSpecify “section” if you want a general container, omit this parameter if you want this section to contain a horizontal row of features.


{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-brands fa-github" title="Contributions welcome!" url="" %}}
We do a [Pull Request]( contributions workflow on **GitHub**. New users are always welcome!
{{% /blocks/feature %}}
titleThe title to use.
urlThe URL to link to.
iconThe icon class to use.

The blocks/link-down shortcode creates a navigation link down to the next section. It’s meant to be used in combination with the other blocks shortcodes.

<div class="mx-auto mt-5">
	{{< blocks/link-down color="info" >}}
colorinfoSee above.

Shortcode helpers


The alert shortcode creates an alert block that can be used to display notices or warnings.

{{% alert title="Warning" color="warning" %}}
This is a warning.
{{% /alert %}}

Renders to:

colorprimaryOne of the theme colors, eg primary, info, warning etc.


The pageinfo shortcode creates a text box that you can use to add banner information for a page: for example, letting users know that the page contains placeholder content, that the content is deprecated, or that it documents a beta feature.

{{% pageinfo color="primary" %}}
This is placeholder content.
{{% /pageinfo %}}

Renders to:

This is placeholder content

colorprimaryOne of the theme colors, eg primary, info, warning etc.


The imgproc shortcode finds an image in the current Page Bundle and scales it given a set of processing instructions.

{{< imgproc spruce Fill "400x450" >}}
Norway Spruce Picea abies shoot with foliage buds.
{{< /imgproc >}}

Norway Spruce Picea abies shoot with foliage buds.
Photo: Bjørn Erik Pedersen / CC-BY-SA

The example above has also a byline with photo attribution added. When using illustrations with a free license from WikiMedia and similar, you will in most situations need a way to attribute the author or licensor. You can add metadata to your page resources in the page front matter. The byline param is used by convention in this theme:

src = "**spruce*.jpg"

  byline = "Photo: Bjørn Erik Pedersen / CC-BY-SA"
- src: "**spruce*.jpg"
    byline: "Photo: Bjørn Erik Pedersen / CC-BY-SA"
  "resources": [
      "src": "**spruce*.jpg",
      "params": {
        "byline": "Photo: Bjørn Erik Pedersen / CC-BY-SA"
1The image filename or enough of it to identify it (we do Glob matching)
2Command. One of Fit, Resize or Fill. See Image Processing Methods.
3Processing options, e.g. 400x450. See Image Processing Options.


The swaggerui shortcode can be placed anywhere inside a page with the swagger layout; it renders Swagger UI using any OpenAPI YAML or JSON file as source. This file can be hosted anywhere you like, for example in your site’s root /static folder.

title = "Pet Store API"
type = "swagger"
weight = 1
description = "Reference for the Pet Store API"

{{< swaggerui src="/openapi/petstore.yaml" >}}
title: "Pet Store API"
type: swagger
weight: 1
description: Reference for the Pet Store API

{{< swaggerui src="/openapi/petstore.yaml" >}}
  "title": "Pet Store API",
  "type": "swagger",
  "weight": 1,
  "description": "Reference for the Pet Store API"

{{< swaggerui src="/openapi/petstore.yaml" >}}

You can customize Swagger UI’s look and feel by overriding Swagger’s CSS or by editing and compiling a Swagger UI dist yourself and replace themes/docsy/static/css/swagger-ui.css.


The redoc shortcode uses the open-source Redoc tool to render reference API documentation from an OpenAPI YAML or JSON file. This can be hosted anywhere you like, for example in your site’s root /static folder, but you can use a URL as well, for example:

title: "Pet Store API"
type: docs
weight: 1
description: Reference for the Pet Store API

{{< redoc "" >}}


With this shortcode you can embed external content into a Docsy page as an inline frame (iframe) - see:

srcURL of external content
width100%Width of iframe
tryautoheighttrueIf true the shortcode tries to calculate the needed height for the embedded content using JavaScript, as described here: This is only possible if the embedded content is on the same domain. Note that even if the embedded content is on the same domain, it depends on the structure of the content if the height can be calculated correctly.
stylemin-height:98vh; border:none;CSS styles for the iframe. min-height:98vh; is a backup if tryautoheight doesn’t work. border:none; removes the border from the iframe - this is useful if you want the embedded content to look more like internal content from your page.
sandboxfalseYou can switch the sandbox completely on by setting sandbox = true or allow specific functionality with the common values for the iframe parameter sandbox defined in the HTML standard.
nameiframe-nameSpecify the name of the iframe.
idiframe-idSets the ID of the iframe.
classOptional parameter to set the classes of the iframe.
subYour browser cannot display embedded frames. You can access the embedded page via the following link:The text displayed (in addition to the embedded URL) if the user’s browser can’t display embedded frames.

Tabbed panes

Sometimes it’s very useful to have tabbed panes when authoring content. One common use-case is to show multiple syntax highlighted code blocks that showcase the same problem, and how to solve it in different programming languages. As an example, the tabbed pane below shows the language-specific variants of the famous Hello world! program one usually writes first when learning a new programming language:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
  puts("Hello World!");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
  fmt.Printf("Hello World!\n")
class HelloWorld {
  static public void main( String args[] ) {
    System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
    println("Hello, world!")
print "Hello world"
echo 'Hello World!';
print("Hello World!")
puts "Hello World!"
object HelloWorld extends App {
  println("Hello world!")

The Docsy template provides two shortcodes tabpane and tab that let you easily create tabbed panes. To see how to use them, have a look at the following code block, which renders to a right aligned pane with one disabled and three active tabs:

{{< tabpane text=true right=true >}}
  {{% tab header="**Languages**:" disabled=true /%}}
  {{% tab header="English" lang="en" %}}
  ![Flag United Kingdom](flags/uk.png)
  {{% /tab %}}
  {{< tab header="German" lang="de" >}}
    <b>Herzlich willkommen!</b>
    <img src="flags/de.png" alt="Flag Germany" style="float: right; padding: 0 0 0 0px">
  {{< /tab >}}
  {{% tab header="Swahili" lang="sw" %}}
  ![Flag Tanzania](flags/tz.png)
  **Karibu sana!**
  {{% /tab %}}
{{< /tabpane >}}

This code translates to the right aligned tabbed pane below, showing a Welcome! greeting in English, German or Swahili:

Flag United Kingdom Welcome!

Herzlich willkommen! Flag Germany

Flag Tanzania Karibu sana!

Shortcode details

Tabbed panes are implemented using two shortcodes:

  • The tabpane shortcode, which is the container element for the tabs. This shortcode can hold the optional named parameters lang, highlight and right. The value of the optional parameters lang and highlight are passed on as second LANG and third OPTIONS arguments to Hugo’s built-in highlight function which is used to render the code blocks of the individual tabs. Specify right=true if you want to right align your tabs. In case the header text of the tab equals the language used in the tab’s code block (as in the first tabbed pane example above), you may specify langEqualsHeader=true in the surrounding tabpane shortcode. Then, the header text of the individual tab is automatically set as lang parameter of the respective tab.
  • The various tab shortcodes represent the tabs you would like to show. Specify the named parameter header for each tab in order to set the header text of the tab. If the header parameter is the only parameter inside your tab shortcode, you can specify the header as unnamed parameter, something like { tab "My header" }} … {{ /tab }}. If your tab shortcode does not have any parameters, the header of the tab will default to Tab n. To split the panes into a left aligned and a right aligned tab group, specify right=true in the dividing tab. By giving right=true several times, you can even render multiple tab groups. You can disable a tab by specifying the parameter disabled=true. For enabled tabs, there are two modes for content display, code representation and textual representation:
    • By default, the tab’s content is rendered as code block. In order to get proper syntax highlighting, specify the named parameter lang –and optionally the parameter highlight– for each tab. Parameters set in the parent tabpane shortcode will be overwritten.
    • If the contents of your tabs should be rendered as text with different styles and with optional images, specify text=true as parameter of your tabpane (or your tab). If your content is markdown, use the percent sign % as outermost delimiter of your tab shortcode, your markup should look like {{% tab %}}Your **markdown** content{{% /tab %}}. In case of HTML content, use square brackets <> as outermost delimiters: {{< tab >}}Your <b>HTML</b> content{{< /tab >}}.

Card panes

When authoring content, it’s sometimes very useful to put similar text blocks or code fragments on card like elements, which can be optionally presented side by side. Let’s showcase this feature with the following sample card group which shows the first four Presidents of the United States:

George Washington
*1732     †1799
President: 1789 – 1797


John Adams
* 1735     † 1826
President: 1797 – 1801


Thomas Jefferson
* 1743     † 1826
President: 1801 – 1809


James Madison
* 1751     † 1836
President: 1809 – 1817


Docsy supports creating such card panes via different shortcodes:

  • The cardpane shortcode which is the container element for the various cards to be presented.
  • The card shortcodes, with each shortcode representing an individual card. While cards are often presented inside a card group, a single card may stand on its own, too. A card shortcode can hold text, images or any other arbitrary kind of markdown or HTML markup as content. If your content is programming code, you are advised to make use of the card-code shortcode, a special kind of card with code-highlighting and other optional features like line numbers, highlighting of certain lines, ….

Shortcode card (for text, images, …)

As stated above, a card is coded using one of the shortcode card or card-code. If your content is any kind of text other than programming code, use the universal cardshortcode. The following code sample demonstrates how to code a card element:

{{< card header="**Imagine**" title="Artist and songwriter: John Lennon" subtitle="Co-writer: Yoko Ono"
          footer="![SignatureJohnLennon](https://server.tld/…/signature.png 'Signature John Lennon')">}}
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try<br/>
No hell below us, above us only sky<br/>
Imagine all the people living for today…

{{< /card >}}

This code translates to the left card shown below, showing the lyrics of John Lennon’s famous song Imagine. A second explanatory card element to the right indicates and explains the individual components of a card:

Artist and songwriter: John Lennon
Co-writer: Yoko Ono

Imagine there’s no heaven, It’s easy if you try
No hell below us, above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today…

Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace…

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger - a brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world…

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will live as one

Header: specified via named parameter Header
Card title: specified via named parameter title
Card subtitle: specified via named parameter subtitle

Content: inner content of the shortcode, this may be formatted text, images, videos, … . If the extension of your page file equals .md, markdown format is expected, otherwise, your content will be treated as plain HTML.

While the main content of the card is taken from the inner markup of the card shortcode, the optional elements footer, header, title, and subtitle are all specified as named parameters of the shortcode.

Shortcode card-code (for programming code)

In case you want to display programming code on your card, a special shortcode card-code is provided for this purpose. The following sample demonstrates how to code a card element with the famous Hello world!application coded in C:

{{< card-code header="**C**" lang="C" >}}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
  puts("Hello World!");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
{{< /card-code >}}

This code translates to the card shown below:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
  puts("Hello World!");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The card-code shortcode can optionally hold the named parameters lang and/or highlight. The values of these optional parameters are passed on as second LANG and third OPTIONS arguments to Hugo’s built-in highlight function which is used to render the code block presented on the card.

Card groups

Displaying two ore more cards side by side can be easily achieved by putting them between the opening and closing elements of a cardpane shortcode. The general markup of a card group resembles closely the markup of a tabbed pane:

{{< cardpane >}}
  {{< card header="Header card 1" >}}
    Content card 1
  {{< /card >}}
  {{< card header="Header card 2" >}}
    Content card 2
  {{< /card >}}
  {{< card header="Header card 3" >}}
    Content card 3
  {{< /card >}}
{{< /cardpane >}}

Contrary to tabs, cards are presented side by side, however. This is especially useful it you want to compare different programming techniques (traditional vs. modern) on two cards, like demonstrated in the example above:

Java 5

File[] hiddenFiles = new File("directory_name")
  .listFiles(new FileFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File file) {
      return file.isHidden();
Java 8, Lambda expression

File[] hiddenFiles = new File("directory_name")

Include external files

Sometimes there’s content that is relevant for several documents, or that is maintained in a file that is not necessarily a document. For situations like these, the readfile shortcode allows you to import the contents of an external file into a document.

Reuse documentation

In case you want to reuse some content in several documents, you can write said content in a separate file and include it wherever you need it.

For example, suppose you have a file called with the following contents:

## Installation

{{% alert title="Note" color="primary" %}}
Check system compatibility before proceeding.
{{% /alert %}}

1.  Download the installation files.

1.  Run the installation script

    `sudo sh`

1.  Test that your installation was successfully completed.

You can import this section into another document:

The following section explains how to install the database:

{{% readfile "" %}}

This is rendered as if the instructions were in the parent document. Hugo v0.101.0+ is required for imported files containing shortcodes to be rendered correctly.

The following section explains how to install the database:


  1. Download the installation files.

  2. Run the installation script

    sudo sh

  3. Test that your installation was successfully completed.

The parameter is the relative path to the file. Only relative paths under the parent file’s working directory are supported.

For files outside the current working directory you can use an absolute path starting with /. The root directory is the /content folder.

Include code files

Suppose you have an includes folder containing several code samples you want to use as part of your documentation. You can use readfile with some additional parameters:

To create a new pipeline, follow the next steps:

1.  Create a configuration file `config.yaml`:

    {{< readfile file="includes/config.yaml" code="true" lang="yaml" >}}

1.  Apply the file to your cluster `kubectl apply config.yaml`

This code automatically reads the content of import/config.yaml and inserts it into the document. The rendered text looks like this:

To create a new pipeline, follow the next steps:

  1. Create a configuration file config.yaml:

        kind: Task
          name: hello
            - name: echo
              image: alpine
              script: |
                echo "Hello World"          
  2. Apply the file to your cluster kubectl apply config.yaml

The “file” parameter is the relative path to the file. Only relative paths under the parent file’s working directory are supported.

For files outside the current working directory you can use an absolute path starting with /. The root directory is the /content folder.

filePath of external file
codefalseBoolean value. If true the contents is treated as code
langplain textProgramming language

Conditional text

The conditional-text shortcode allows you to show or hide parts of your content depending on the value of the buildCondition parameter set in your configuration file. This can be useful if you are generating different builds from the same source, for example, using a different product name. This shortcode helps you handle the minor differences between these builds.

{{% conditional-text include-if="foo" %}}
This text appears in the output only if `buildCondition = "foo" is set in your config file`.
{{% /conditional-text %}}
{{% conditional-text exclude-if="bar" %}}
This text does not appear in the output if `buildCondition = "bar" is set in your config file`.
{{% /conditional-text %}}

If you are using this shortcode, note that when evaluating the conditions, substring matches are matches as well. That means, if you set include-if="foobar", and buildcondition = "foo", you have a match!

Last modified January 10, 2023: add content from docsy userguide (6b676a8)